Welcome to Studio Buzz

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Oil on board primed with gesso. various layers and thicknesses applied then later worked into and scrapped off. 
This series of works are developed from memories invoked by these thorny bushes. As a children we would pick the fruit from these wild bushes, sometimes pricking fingers, or looking deep into the pattern of tangled growth. Some memories are clear others are more hazy. I chose to distort some of my work and leave parts sharp.

Here cling film applied as an extra layer adding more thorny interruption to my memories.

Spray paint and oil on canvas. The dense tangle comes from one initial thorn reaching light.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year to you all. 

From a single thorn  to a tangle, the growing struggle and forms produced evoked certain interest and memories which I wanted to explore, using various mediums. I took many photos at different times of the day. From these I worked on several thorny studies. Research works were collage and spray paints. I also used collage with oil paint which worked well.
This collage incorporates some of my images which I enlarged then distorted by dragging it through a photocopier, the background is a single colour sprayed to achieve a beginning of a dark tangle.