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Monday, 5 December 2011

Print Discards

A mono print is fun and can be done in as little or as much time as the detail you choose to put in to it. After drawing in a festive red ink, strangely it reminds me of snow, I won't bore you with the mono print image that I did, because I liked the discard sheet it had some interesting shapes, so I drew into it for a few mintues r+r.

What to do when your print goes wrong

I have been working on some prints, I was looking at the ones,( which were most of them) that were no good for my purpose. So decided to have some fun with my rejects, I will show you one of the ideas I have done so far, there was a certain satisfaction in chopping up this peice of work, to get to the end result in keeping with my glass shatterimg effect, now I like it.